Black Screen without any Icons  on Starting Windows 7 Home premium edition
Last night everthing was workin fine...i just did my work and had shut my my machine properly but in the morning when i booted it all things appeared fine till the logiin screen where i entered my password and after that there was nothing else than a black screen with a mouse pointer.i tried to launch task manager by pressing ctrl+alt+del and task manger was working fine but when i tried to launch explorer.exe it did'nt launch.i searched internet and tried everyhting like restoring to previous ponits ..last known good configuration and all but to my demise all went in vain.. what i can do from my computer is launch every application by its process name in Run window(except explorer.exe). One more thing when i write E: or C:(which are two partions of my HDD) on run promt and pressed enter the explorer.exe gets launched(when seeng in the task manage abt the runing process) but it had no graphics and all and the explorer became like an Window which can be closed by pressing (X) on the cornor.and after this again i have nothing else than a black Screen rather than my desktop. So evertime i have to start task manager even to surf the net........ And one omre thing that i have noticed that many windows services are stopped i write few of these vaultSvc ProtectedStorage netTCP port sharing netlogon idsvc AxInstSV bthserv winhttpautoproxySVC webclient W32Time THREADDORDER SstpSvc sspunotify iitdsvc TBS SensrSvc SCardSvr QWAVE Mcx2Svc FDResPub AppidSvc WPCSvc HomeGroupprovider WwanSvc pla PNRPsvc PNRPAutoreg p2psvc p2pmsvc WPDBusEnum WidSystemHost Netman IPBusenum dot3svc I have very important data on my system due to which i can'nt format my system .. so anyone please help me out of this condition please.
February 21st, 2011 6:21pm

Hi, Please login with Safe Mode to see if the same issue occurs. If you can login with Safe Mode, you can try to create another user and login for test. If the issue persists, I suggest to perform a system restore in WinRE: 1) Restart PC 2) Press “F8” and select “Repair Your computer” 3) choose System Restore. Hope that helps. Regards, Leo HuangPlease remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
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February 23rd, 2011 7:25am

I have already tried all these ...i made a new login but the black screen problem did,nt went ,then i tried for SFC scan and it showed that some files were corrupted and it could not repair that problem .......and in the edit of sfc log it did,nt showed the file which were corrupted.... i can use the windows evironment by writing (C: or E:)in the run window of taksk manager................ I have tried really all things which i know but all have gone vain,...... i just simply can,nt afford to format my system ..plese get me out of here ..please...
February 24th, 2011 4:15pm

Hi, Usually, we can perform a system restore to fix this issue. If system restore doesn’t work, and the issue persist in Safe Mode, you can try to use an installation disk to repair your system: 1) Please insert the Windows 7 DVD and reboot the computer. 2) When we are prompted to press a key to boot from the DVD, please press Enter or the space bar. 3) Choose your language settings, and then click Next. 4) Click Repair your computer. 5) Select the operating system you want to repair, and then click Next. 6) On the System Recovery Options menu, click Startup Repair. Startup Repair might prompt you to make choices as it tries to fix the problem, and if necessary, it might restart your computer as it makes repairs. Hope it works. Regards, Leo Huang Please remember to click Mark as Answer on the post that helps you, and to click Unmark as Answer if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
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February 24th, 2011 10:51pm

Dear leo huang..... i had already tried all these...but today i tried once more...I restored to last available point but it all went in vain... then i went for installation disk repair....i did start up repair but it reported that it found no errors...and on the advanced optins i saw that all the test like memory disk test boot manage test etc were passed successfully with error code 0x0 i don'nt know what to do........again i would like to tell u everything works fine but desktop ,icons task bar start menu etc all are missing and graphics of win 7 is also missing . please Do something ..please
February 25th, 2011 6:05pm

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